Bible Memory Verses

“I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you.”
- Psalm 119:11

In City Church KiDS, we desire for all that we do to be centered around God’s Word and the gospel. We believe “all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).  Therefore, we are excited to launch a new Bible Memory Plan for Kids that will help them hide God’s Word in their hearts and point them to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We have developed a 3-year rotation of core passages that are centered around the foundational truths of the gospel, with each age group having different passages aimed at their age-specific literacy and comprehension abilities. Each passage answers big questions of the gospel, including:

What is the Bible?

Who is God?

Who Are We?

Who is Jesus?

What is Our Response?

From 3-years old through 5th grade, kids will have the opportunity to learn a total of 54 core passages that answer these big questions and point kids to the answers in God’s Word. Our dream is long-term recall of God’s Word and not just short-term memorization. Our chances for realizing this dream increase when we spend ample time at church and at home reviewing these passages. Therefore, we will spend 2 full months on each passage, reviewing each age group’s passage during our KiDS worship time. But if we are going to accomplish this, it will require a partnership between church and home, with families reviewing the passages with their children regularly. Who knows, families may even learn the passages with their kids as they work together to learn God’s Word!


Bible Memory Cards will come home with your kids each time a new passage is introduced. On the first Sunday, kids will receive a cover card with a binder ring to store their cards on, along with the first passage for their age group. Every 2 months your child will receive a new card to add to their ring. You will notice that on one side of the card is a Big Question and Answer, and on the back of the card is the related bible passage. Help your child memorize both the Big Question and Answer as well as the passage. You may need to break the passage into one verse at a time, building as you go. We will even help you out by posting videos with simple hand motions to go with each passage on social media and on the KiDS webpage, so watch those with your kids and use them to aid in your practice.

Kids will have the opportunity to recite the passages and earn a prize each Sunday that they are at church. But the biggest prize will be seeing your children come to treasure God’s Word in their hearts!