Foster Crew is a way for City Church members to walk alongside foster families in our church throughout their foster care adventures by providing wrap around support. Foster Crew members support foster families by using their personal gifts to help with things like babysitting, hot meals, household services, providing supplies, prayer, and encouragement.

While you may not be called to foster, you CAN be a part of blessing other foster families and showing these children they are loved and valued.

Foster Crew is a ministry of City Church KiDS.


  • Point person for each foster family being served by a Foster Crew, sharing their needs with the rest of the CREW.

  • Babysit to allow couples to take a breather without any financial burden.

  • Laundry, dishes, yard work, vacuuming, etc. so parents can focus more on the kids.

  • Cook homemade meals, pick up takeout or provide gift cards to feed hungry bellies.

  • Check in on families, offer spiritual support and share their requests.

  • Encourage foster families with notes, small gifts and by taking the time listen.

  • Serve foster families by collaborating with other team members to plan church events and activities designed to bless and encourage foster parents and the children they care for.

  • Have a special skill that doesn't fit into one of the roles above? (Ex: Mechanic, handyman). Utilize your special skills to serve foster families in unique ways.